Thursday, March 20, 2008

Design and Postmodernity

Post Modernity - is everywhere, from literature, design and philosophy.

Modernity - Renaissance, Modernity because it is now.

Modernism was all about meaning, it had a value system.

- ities: Describe the whole system, that ideology.
- ism: Are the qualities associated with these ideals

Post modernity: State or ideology of being postmodern, 1950 - 1960's, late modernism (or early Post Modernism)
Max Buildit, director of HFG School of design. 1955 -1968. Post modern design is innovated into the lessons.
America - post war 1940 - Ideas for modern buildings, Bauhaus moves to America to modernism is accepted.

Levithown House, 1955, was built. 17400 houses all identical were built, urban district where nature was suppressed. Women were also suppressed.
Post modernism was about choice; Feminism too, is about choice.

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