Saturday, May 24, 2008

Assignment Three

Direction, Movement, Change

All refferenced MLA stly in the essay 9th June

Keyword and sketching... Moving it into aspects, developing.
What kind of marks can it make?

Media - Control of the line, constraint, running out of ink { Minalmilistic
- Photography. Meanings and perspectives asscociated, experiment with different media
-Light and Shadow.
- Video of spatial experience
- Small model? Or instilation?
-Water, movement Different Marks.
- Fire.


Hopefully we have deepened our knowledge of the past to better our decisions of the future.

Predict the future through patterns of the past: Design motif

"The Best way to predict the future is to invent it"
Allen Key

Took decades of engineering to create a robot that could move on two legs. Word Origin:
1920's Factory that produced artificial people, called robbots.
"Robot" in Chekoslavakian means to force labour.
Leonado De Vinci - First robots: He was the first to contemplate the idea of the robot.

MIT's 2007 annual robotics engineering competition.

"Suvival Research Labs"
SLR Art proformances by robots, industrial robot fights. They have been made ledgenary by such free invitation proformances, as in if you invite SLR they will come and preform for free. Over the years their proformances have grown more violent as the robots have gotten more sophisticated.

- They study the relationsip between robots and people. More common robots are the industrial robots, of which there are literally millions, however they are rarely found in public spaces, usally only foound in industrial places.

They Argue that because of this, people have not assesed their own relationship with robots and they want more robots in public spaces.
"bios [Bible]"
- A robot wrote out the entire bible by hand in ink pen, uninterupted. - High precision of text! Script writting.
"Third Arm"
1981 We never had a mind of our own, our bodies are manipulators.
The Tissue Culture as Art project. "dissembodied Cusine" www.tca Frog steak, Do we need to kill animales to eat them?
Seems like science teachers trying to pass off math as art when art is the emotional side, they just can't mix!
Eduardo Kac - "Alba"
Flourescent Bunny, now that we can create life like this, how will we deal with it?
Maray Shelly (Frankenstein 1818)
Jules Verne (journey to the centre of the earth 1864)
H G Wells (War of the Worlds 1898)
Issac Asimoue (I, Robot 1950)
2001 A Space Odessey (1968)
- Robots taking over, Turning Evil and killing. Popular Idea up to the 1980's; Yet now robots are smarter, instead of simply killing people, they infiltrait them, with the goal of genocide of the entire human race, Battle Star Galactica.
Star Trek, We copy ideas from it (Palm sized communicators ...)
"Any sufficiently sophisticated technology is indistinguishable from magic"
Authur C. Clark

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Paris Maps

Paris maps as chosen city to build up 3D movement

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Early Model

These are the early model of what it could posible, or posibly not! look like, this is just taken from building fake streets in the air. After building this was looking at what movement to map... Looked at cities and decided Paris would do suitably. It looks like a giant network of connecting steets, the streets are perfect molds for the mapping of movement through a city as the bigger the streets the more movement through it.

Monday, May 19, 2008



I was starting to look at movement of a city! As design can drive the direction of City, and exspecially at a time of Crisis.
During an Urban Design lecture they showed us time lapse drawings of Palmerston North every 12 years dating back to 1912, showing the spead of buildings and the city itself. This reminds me of Archigram and the idea of walking Cities, but our cities are moving, so could I build a 3D form of this movement?

Fire leaves a lasting mark, yet it in itself is never a solid form, always moving and spreading.
Shadow and light

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ecology of the Artificial

The moral responsibility of the designer; "There are few professions as harmful as Industrial design"

Ecolologically sustainable design

  • The Ecosphere [earth]
  • Atmostphere [Air]
  • Biosphere [Life] } A Limited Evironment
  • Lithosphere [Rock]
  • Hydrosphere [Water]

Easter Island Example

Stone Statues on the coast.

Europeons arrived and found barren wasteland

The inhabitants chopped down all the palms to make ropes and transport the newly created statues to the coast. The last statue was erected and the last palm cut down. But the main source of food was fish, but without the wood to make canoes there was no more fishing, so soon the inhabitants decended into chaos. Civil war erupted and the natives turned to canabilism. 90 percent of the population was killed off.

This storey shows how a comparitivily primitive peoples with primitive technology was able to destroy themselves.

As designers this raises te question of "What was the persons thoughts as he cut down the last Palm Tree?" did he think somehow more would appear?

Redistribution of materials, taking more from the biosphere and dumping it back into the earth. Product Life Cycle: -> Design Concept -> Materials and Manufature -> Packaging and Transport -> Consumer Marketing -> Consumer Use -> End Of Life ->

The transition from 'Green Design' to an ecological model of the artificial.

Deconstructivist Architecture.

  • Frank Gehry - Gehry House
  • Our world has changed - So our architecture should reflect that.

Green Design

Ethics. eg Energy saving 'sleep' function. We added on an energy sleep mode to the computer, which is a plus, but then we feel ok about leaving the computer on the whole time.

Ecologically Sustainable Design

Instead of throwing away computers for a faster one, just replace the part you need. An extreme example for this is a tyre puncture, don't throw away the tyre, just repair the puncture.