Saturday, May 17, 2008

Internet Reading

Unfortunatly i can't read my own notes on this page. My handwriting is very bad. So i just took a photo of the page.



My Essay is about the new designs of the early 20th Century being the driving forces of nations, Modernism driving the West, and constructivist art and architecture driving Russia to abandond the old and completley review all concepts of definition.

Therfore the driving words behind Movement are direction, nation, new and change.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Social Dimensions of Wearable Computers

Dragon technology, speaking to a computer; New Zealanders tend to mumble words compared to other English speaking countries. Having background music may distort readings.

Computers that will read hand movements or body movements; readings will be distorted as something unpredicted enters the area; A Child is playing in the background.

Jackets with iPods in them, but what do you do when it becomes too hot to wear the jacket; no iPod?

Watches should be adaptable to do what we do, along with other such gadgets. Watches should withstand more, not be precious commodities.

Wearable computers as a means of control.

  • Monitoring, Imbedded chips,
  • Cameras Tracking devices
  • Behavioural Monitoring devices, such as for use in prisons

Privacy issues

  • Big Brother
Steve Mann is a leading inventor of the wearable computers

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lecture on Technolgy

  • Consumerism as a weapon against Communism.
  • Consumerism as a distraction.
  • Aluminium the material of the war. Houses were built more like military houses.

We can change and rearrange the house as a plaything.

The Push Button House [It starts off as an ordinary shipping container, but throw a switch and ninety seconds later the Illy Push Button House has magically expanded into a five-room abode. Architect and designer Adam Kalkin created this jack-in-the-box-like dwelling, whose sections are unfolded by powerful hydraulic cylinders controlled by a computer in the kitchen section. The house is made out of recycled materials, and has a dining area in the centre, surrounded by a bedroom, living room, library and kitchen. This mechanized hydraulic contraption is on display now at New York's Time Warner Centre until December 29th, in hopes of demonstrating how prefabricated houses can be placed in, say, a disaster area and quickly assembled in a matter of seconds. Now if Kalkin could just figure out how to include a roof in this design, we think he might be onto something.]
A house made from a shipping container. The Wife can control the house at the push of a button from the kitchen.

Objects produced that we don't actually need, i.e. Fluoride in water, do we actually need it? Or an electric tooth brush as opposed to a normal one?

The Car is like a moving home, treating it like a living space.
TV screen as our Window into the World, but it isn't because its actually artificial, and yet people treat it as such.
Drive Throughs.
Americas strength is compared to how many appliances they have, not how many Nucleor Weapons they have.

DIY multi talent embrace of technology.

Graphic Digital Artist; Romoki
People need to get away from buying completely useless stuff.
- “Why do we need to mess with electronic devices and call it art?”
Romoki designed objects that have no use and provide minimal entertainment.
Taking consumer products and presenting them as art in a different context, i.e. Cell phone converted into a toy racing car. Taking old consumer products people put too much emphasis into and turn it into art.

Open sourced software.
- Human readable code is distributed freely to anyone who wants to modify it