Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Binary Opposition

Post modernism, opposition of made form. Post modernism made awareness of 'other' disabled access. To design in the 1950's: Richard Hamilton: Just what is it that makes today’s houses so different; 1956 Pop art; Art is for the masses! "Magnifying glass" 1962 1970: Abstract Expressionism; painting about how one felt at the time he painted it. Hippy movement, design, music, clothing. In the 60's society stopped needing and started wanting. Needs vs. Wants. Explosion of mass consumerism.

Moon landing, Sparked allot of 'moon design' i.e. TV’s shaped like helmets, futuristic "space looking design"

Ettore Sottsass, Started Memphis movement, highly post modernism. No innovation in time at crisis

No innovation in a time of crisis as there is any money to buy. [1971 Nixon suspended conversion of U.S dollar into gold]

Paris [1968] - Student uprising, the students did not like what they were being taught and by who, so they started protest which led to riots and many arrest but finally they were able to choose their lecturers

Post Modernity Building

X Y Z Buildings, Alienating with its mirror glass "Curtain" Walls which don't allow passer bys to look in yet they don't know if they are being watched...

Robert Taylor Homes
Chicago Housing Authority 1964, His buildings turned into slums, housing drug addicts and crime, which eventually turned into murder...
Therefore his buildings were demolished.

Le Corbusier wanted streets within the levels of the buildings, yet on hindsight we can see this created slums as these streets could not possibly police all the streets.

The Architects' dream 2001, Collage, VSBA Rutter Thomas Cole, demonstrates principals from Learning Las Vegas, Learn from what is on the highway. A building with a sign sells what the sign says, it doesn't matter what the building looks like. Poetics of space


- Levi strauss. Foucault Lucan, Bathes

Word is meaningless, it is just association, and post modernism is only significant.

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